Without a Membership, films are $13 each; $6 suggested for students.
Our Closing Gala Reception will be $30 for non-Members.
The membership fee is $95 to include the
8 Ciné Gael screenings in 2025, and the Closing Reception.
$30 for students, for the 8 screenings
- entrance to all films in the series
- closing Gala reception
- member appreciation evenings
- member special screenings
- movie opening preview passes
that we may be able to make available
Note: All screenings take place at
DeSève Cinema, Concordia University,
1400 de Maisonneuve West, Montréal
at 7:15 PM (unless otherwise indicated).
Do you have a web mailing list?
We try to keep the community informed about upcoming film events.
To be added to the list simply send an email to:
Read more about our Email list
The costs for all our individual screenings are as
'Suggested Donations' per Concordia policy
To become a member or renew your membership, You may pay by Interac via online banking,
using our Interac email address, membership@cinegaelmontreal.com
(please email us your name and address separately if you don't believe we have it)
Alternatively, you can mail us a cheque for $95 payable to:
Ciné Gael Montréal,
194 Rossini
Chateauguay, Québec
J6K 2N8
and pick-up your card at our opening screening, or the first screening you can attend.
phone: (514) 830-7033 (Ken Wilson)